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English history???

why had women's suffrage movements been so unsuccessfull untill the 1900

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Probably had a lot to do with the culture, particularly the religious constraints found in most societies. People took the Bible and its teachings quite literally and women were subserviant to men who protected them. It was actually probably because of the Reformation that women started grumbling about equality. But, voting for women in the UK I believe was legal so long as they were landowners and whatnot. However, the 1832 Reform Act "specifically disenfranchised women" so they got a little ticked off and started campaigning for women's voting rights. I believe this coincided with the Feminist movement. What helped to bring about the change to women's suffrage were the two World Wars, for obvious reasons. That being said, I think that, prior to these events, people in general were simply happy with or thought that it was impossible to do anything about their situations. Cultural stigmas ostracized women who were free-thinkers, promiscuous, etc. or worse and so I think women just generally grinned and beared it until an outright attack on their rights was made.