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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why do young girls / single mom's get excited about having babies?


Why do young girls / single mom's get excited about having babies?

Is it that they don't have much logical reasoning to understand that they are most likely not going to get much out of life. Is it like those people you see in the trailer park or in the projects on the cop TV shows that have no understanding or desire to get out because they are so complacent that that is their way of life? Isn't it pathetic when you see a young girl excited about having babies say when she is 16 or something, yet they say asinine things like, he/she is the joy of my life, he/she will always love me... Are they just going on animal reproductive instincts or perhaps do they know something I do not? I don't get it. And I put single moms in there too because why do they love to bring kids in this world when they aren't capable of forming a family unit first? Why does society think its a good thing to support them with welfare, food stamps, wic, Is it because we need future cashiers at mcdonalds? Not trying to be rude, just asking a question so I can understand.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. We are just means for our genes to reproduce themselves. (You have heard that a chicken is just an egg's way of making another egg?) If we didn't feel happy about being pregnant, the species would have died out.
2. Love or attachment is a biological imperative for the continuation of the species, too. Mothers are generally attached to/protective of their young.
3. For some of these girls/women, they are the center of attention at points during the pregnancy and they feel (and occasionally become) more mature when the baby comes.
4. Does society think it's a good idea? Well, if we didn't, I guess we'd force them to have abortions, get sterilized or machine gun the babies once they're born. Given the worries about not enough babies being born in Western societies, I guess we're willing to support this to keep ourselves from dying out.

Do I think it's a good idea? Not just no, but H*** no, but no one asks me before having sex or deciding to keep a pregnancy going.

As for cashiers at Mc D's, I think we're more worried about aides at the nursing homes.

Unless we're prepared to re-institute shame for unwed mothers and remove the babies born to them so that they can be raised in a family unit (I'm thinking you mean nuclear, altho' that's not the tradition one), we don't have many choices.