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My book part 4. Should I finish it?

The doctor was still checking on the baby because he thought he had seen some abnormalities in the baby??s health, but this was his last checkup, for it seemed like everything was okay. ??What? Oh right. I have the perfect name.?? replied the mother, ??I shall call him: Tenawe.??
??Tenawe? That??s??an interesting name??It doesn??t sound Elvish.??
??It is, but it??s in the Ancient Form. I??m interested our heritage, and ??Tenawe?? is the perfect name.??
??Well, what does it mean???
??It means: ??Gift from Lobicria??.??
??Ha! You believe that?! That??s just an old, stupid legend.??
??It??s not stupid!! Many creatures Worldwide believe in it! I??m just one of them.??
??Oh! You sound like you??re so strong in your faith. Well then, prove to me that it??s true, because I??ve never seen any evidence in all of my long life.??
??Some of the most real things in the world are unable to be seen. We just have to trust our senses.??
??You mean you just have to trust your senses.??
??Oh!So you??re an atheist are you?"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: good, you sound like a pro, professionista, professional...... whatever, i'll read your book when it's published!