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Syrup for the soul?

I'm trapped
In tingling wires
Electricity running down my spine
Guitar strings wrapped around my wrists
Attaching me to unsung chords

And bliss, oh bliss
Sinks into me like gasoline
The oily iridescence
Seeping into every pore

Filthy masculine manaquins
Melting into asphalt
Like tar on a hot day
Wind around the clarinet keys

And bliss, yes bliss
Wipes away the mystery
Of long forgotten memories
A clean soul of brass

Bright paper lanterns
On crystalline waters
Reflects heaven onto the moon
The microphone shrieks in the distance

And bliss, sweet bliss
Works its way up from my throat
Lovely candy for my ears
Syrup for the soul

This poem belongs to me!
If you steal it, I will find you and come after you.

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1 week ago
I don't know why it put up the question mark. I didn't do it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I don't know why it put up the question mark. I didn't do it.