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Did Incas or Mayan have written languages?

I read somewhere that the pre-Columbian South American civilizations did not have any written languages. Is this really true? How did they manage to build such a huge monuments without any writing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There were numerous systems of writing in pre-Colombian America. The Mayans were simply the most complex. The Aztecs and Toltecs likewise left records which may be deciphered. The qipu of the Incas, although widely disseminated are undecipherable to us. Qipu have been found among the Anasazi and throughout most of Central America as well as the Inca homelands in Peru and Chile.

Although there is no discernible alphabet the petroglyphs of the north tell the stories and myths of the Algonquian peoples who lived there. Wampum belts also carry messages in the symbols they bear and colours they use.

It is said that the Mixed breed Indian Sequoia was the first to make an Indian alphabet for the Cherokees. Legends say there was such an alphabet thousand of years ago. It would help explain the vast trade empire of the Mound culture and Hopewell archaeological finds.