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Doomsday book?

Can anyone around the age of 30 to 35 living in the uk remember when you were at school and they were compiling an up to date version of the doomsday book it was going to be compiled on large silver discs the size of an old album. Probably the first version of a cd.
Can this record of the uk, which I remember being really in depth, be accessed today. Or did it just get forgotten about by the government.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have no idea where you can get your hands on it but the site below may be a good start; there is more on this article there also.

Monday, 2 December, 2002, 11:02 GMT
Digital Domesday book unlocked

A rich digital archive of British life in the 1980s has been brought back to life by researchers from the UK and the US.
They have developed a way to access the information gathered by the BBC's Domesday project which had been stored on outdated technology.

The project was developed by the BBC to create a computer-based, multimedia version of the Domesday Book, marking the 900th anniversary of the 1086 archive.

But the snapshot of in the UK in the mid-1980s was stored on two virtually indestructible interactive video discs which could not be read by today's computers.

Preserving the past

The team at Leeds University and the University of Michigan in the US say they have now found a way to access this rich digital archive.

They have developed software that emulates the obsolete Acorn Microcomputer system and the video disc player.