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A seperate peace?

personally, i think the book is equal to poo. but i have a big study guide and these questions are kinda comfusing. please help?

chapter 6.
1. what is the importance of Finny's shame at even thinking Gene might take another roommate?

chapter 7.
1.Gene repers to the approprateness of being thrown in the Naguamsett River on the first day of the winter session. Why?

2. Why is Brinker describes as part of "winter session" efficiency?

3. What is the significant in the scene between Brinker and Gene?

please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's very hard to help you if you don't understand any of the characters and their relationships. The book is a classic. Try reading it and use your study guide questions to get into the world of the private school and the boys who are students there. Reflect also that their society is a microcosm of America in a time of war. Is it a cop-out to opt out? What do their "initiation rites" tell you about their values? Are there sexual undertones? Do you see these conflicts in others your age? Do courage and honour have a place in reactions and relationships between roommates?