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Just a few questions regarding agencies?

Okay, so, I'm 16 and learning ballet (7 classes a week to get to the point I need to be) along with Jazz and a bit of tap. I'm really hoping to get into theatre, maybe one day ever Broadway. I know, it's a high aspiration, and no one really thinks I can do it, but I can dream. The point is, I really want to get into a some serious acting/dancing/singing parts, and I've been told I would need an agent. I have no idea how to go about this, any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Get a copy of the Ross Reports, it's a complete listing of legit agents who are accepting mail ins right now. Also if you are ever in an off broadway play or non union show of any kind send them a post card and information about the show.

That's about all you can do. Agents are extremely picky about who they invest in because it can cost them money.