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Japan "Events" ?

Hiya, I got a pretty simple question. I need some information about important events that happened in japan; Time line dosent matter. I tried searching google and other threads here, but I keep getting information about Holidays and other things I dont want! So if anyone could help me that would be great. By events I mean important changes within japan.

Links would be best, or the name of the event at least. :]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Political:
Meiji restoration(1868)
Sino-Japanese War(1894)
Ceding of Taiwan(1895)
Treaty of Shimonoseki(1895)
Russo-Japanese War(1904)
Hague Secret Emissary Affair(1907)
Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty(1907, 1910)
Potsdam Declaration and end of WW2(1945)
Treaty of San Francisco(1951)

Events in life:
Development of television by Kenjiro Takayanagi(1926)
Tokyo Summer Olympics (1964)
Shinkansen - Bullet Train(1964)
Expo (1970)
Demise the Emperor Hirohito (1989)

and more...sorry I am tired to list up.