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Where could I get the scientific proof that evolution is real and creationism is not?

I need reliable scientific proof about the evolution process, and how we and the universe came to be, and by that same token, some information to dispell creationism.

Yeah, this is one of those evolution/creationism debates that I have gotten myself into with a hard-core religious person. I am atheist by the way.

While I respect the religion of others, I will most certainly defend evolution against creationism anyday.

I have done my research, but am looking for additional information to present to the person I am debating with.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here is the single best place I've found for that sort of info:

You'll find just about every point to counter every creationist argument. You'll be able to find book recommendations. Lots of similar minded people you'll likely enjoy too. Also here is a good book to get you started:

BTW the above is simply flat wrong. That is what Pastor Bob will tell you, but that is not what science reveals.

Creationism is not a scientific theory. A scientific theory has to be falsifiable, meaning that if certain evidence was found it would be shown to be false. Also keep in mind that evolution is a theory in the same sense of the word as in the phrase 'theory of gravity'. There is not scientific dispute that it exists at all. What is not certain is how all of the particular mechanisms work.