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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Can anyone explain exactly how the Jews were tattooed at Auschwitz?


Can anyone explain exactly how the Jews were tattooed at Auschwitz?

I know I answer a lot of WWII questions, but I'm a little confused about this. I am assuming it is similar to modern day prison tattoos.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A practice was established to tattoo the inmate identification numbers. This was originated in the following way: In Auschwitz, the camp numbers were initially sewn on the clothes. With the increased death rate it became difficult to identify corpses, since clothes were removed from corpses. Therefore the medical personnel started to write the numbers on the corpses' chests with indelible ink. Difficulties increased in 1941 when Soviet POWs came in masses, and the first several thousand of tattoos was applied to them. This was done with a special stamp with the numbers to be tattooed composed of needles. The tattoo was applied to the upper left part of the breast. In March 1942, the same method was used in Birkenau.