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What is the greatest Russian novel ever written?

Anna Karenina ... War and Peace ... Crime and Punishment ... The Brothers Karamazov ... something else, perhaps? What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You mention two novels by Tolstoi and two by Dostojevski. Critics and academic regard War and Peace as Tolstoi's masterpiece, and Crime and Punishment as Dostojevski's. Yet there are other considerations, such as personal taste and popularity. I prefer Anna Karenina, in the case of Tolstoi, and it seems most people do, too. Same thing with Dostojevsk --The Brothers Karamazov has traditionally been more popular, and it's a personal favorite.
Some of the answers here mention Doctor Zhivago. It's a more contemporary novel and may prove easier to read. It's also a wonderful book.