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If you could send an EMAIL to your PAST self when you were still 16, what would be your MESSAGE?


would you tell a lot about his/her future
or would only give some happy thoughts?
or a good word of advice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it would be a little like this:

to sienna,

take more chances, but always trust your instincts. they aren't as whacked out as you think. don't stress about senior exams because you'll do better than you need to. do architecture for only one semester, it will keep you interested in design for years. but please do transfer out, because you will ultimately hate it.

don't break hearts just because you don't know what you want. you don't realise it, but you're capable of hurting people you barely know. & when that boy whispers in your ear on new years eve of 06-07, kiss him. because you'll spend the rest of the year wondering why you didn't.

get a job, get your license. don't take jane seriously because while she has problems, part of her problem is that she inflates them by an infinite amount. you do not want to waste your time investing yourself emotionally into a void that cannot & will not be filled. i did. she gets better in time.

go dancing more often, you're actually not that terrible. pick up the guitar again. get addicted to dark chocolate because milk chocolate is terrible. don't spend so much money on your formal dress, it's a waste. wear sunscreen, drink lots of water.
