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Can anybody tell me what modern dance consists of?

I am taking this program and the type of dance we will be doing is modern. I need to know what it is and consists of.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well theres modern and then theres contemporary.

true modern was started in the 20th century when ballet dancers were pretty much rebelling against the form. they began dancing in parallel positions and not turning out their legs. i LOVE modern dance. it can be lyrical but it can also be completely spontanious. you have to completely get out of your ballet mood and just let go. look forward to bare feet. fun jumps and turns.

contemporary is modern and ballet intertwined. contemporary often gets confused with modern.
its often very lyrical, and often consists of very fast movements.
its very much about dancing for yourself. often doesn't have counts, you just go to the music. this bothers alot of dancers who have rhythm trouble.