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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I need to figure out a poem, But i only remember a couple words, please help me!


I need to figure out a poem, But i only remember a couple words, please help me!?

The poem started out kinda like "tears run down your ears" and it is a really short poem with a really long title. i tried search engines but no luck. Please help! it's gonna drive me crazy!

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1 week ago
The poem started out kinda like "tears run down your ears" and it is a really short poem with a really long title. i tried search engines but no luck. Please help! it's gonna drive me crazy!

** I believe that the poem is only 2 lines long, and they're pretty short lines. The tile i think has something to do with a south american country, but i could be wrong. But it's a pretty long title, at least 6, 7 words... i hope that helps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
The poem started out kinda like "tears run down your ears" and it is a really short poem with a really long title. i tried search engines but no luck. Please help! it's gonna drive me crazy!

** I believe that the poem is only 2 lines long, and they're pretty short lines. The tile i think has something to do with a south american country, but i could be wrong. But it's a pretty long title, at least 6, 7 words... i hope that helps