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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What is a common or good scary book? What is the oldest scary book?


What is a common or good scary book? What is the oldest scary book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lovecraft man, the Chuthulu is out tonight! Psychic aliens want to suck out your Brains! What could be better than that. Well....the classics. Shelly's Dracula, and Frankenstein. No kidding. Also, as if you didn't know, STEVEN KING. I'm tall and skinny, "Thinner" scared the you know what out of me when I was younger. Man freaking trademark scary like out of your mind ouch oh my god scary. Seriously. Look, you, younger person over there, go read a book, do it now! The future depends on you being smarter than me hurry up man read scary stuff. Timez ah wasting.