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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What was the Carthaginian language? (220 B.C.)?


What was the Carthaginian language? (220 B.C.)?

Also, how were they referred to? Punici? (i.e. Those Punici scum...)
Would they have referred to themselves as being of "Punici Origins"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the Carthaginians were the descendants of the Phoenicians, so they probably spoke the language of the Phoenicians, or an offshoot of that language. also, since nations of the mediterranean were often trading with each other, it might have been an offshoot of the Phoenician language, but influenced by other languages, such as Greek, Latin, and Egyptian. they were probably most commonly known as "Carthaginians", but they might have also been called Phoenicians or Punici