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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Vasco de Gama's discovery of a route to India by sea proved to be?


Vasco de Gama's discovery of a route to India by sea proved to be?

A. very profitable since de Gama returned with cargo of spices and made a profit of thousands.
B. far too costly to be sailed on a regular basis
C. the only time any Portuguese vessel sailed the route,as Aborigines latter attacked any ship that attempted the journey
D. took a much longer time than the route to India by land

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A. very profitable since de Gama returned with cargo of spices and made a profit of thousands.
Although several vessels that De Gama brought with him perished during the voyage, the damaged was quickly replenished with a large amount of revenue left from the few vessels that returned with De Gama safely.