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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Is this a good poem? (not for little kids!)?


Is this a good poem? (not for little kids!)?

the broken mirror
slides down my wrist
i feel no pain
just a throbbing release.
water diluted red
creeps around the white porcelin
a lingering goodbye to sorrow.
far away a heartfelt laughing
always out of reach
the obstacles
impossible to defeat.
the instruction manuel of joy
written in a foreign language
my tear filled eyes blur the jibberish with

now that i have this written i think it sucks, so if you have any suggestion to make it better well then type them up.

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1 week ago
i dont want to say my age because ignorant people would say im just being rebellious or im going through a "phase"but they probably dont know people that are close tothem hurting themselves because they cant find other ways to open their flood gates of emotion.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
i dont want to say my age because ignorant people would say im just being rebellious or im going through a "phase"but they probably dont know people that are close tothem hurting themselves because they cant find other ways to open their flood gates of emotion.