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What would your perfect world look like?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A perfect world would probably begin something like an idyllic neighborhood--everyone helping each other out, getting along and everything's shits and giggles without dependency on technology.

However, at lease one person would recognize the trust needed to maintain this state, and realize how completely easy it would be to manipulate said trust, leading to him gaining an advantage. This person would then steal from others and take advantage of them, angering them. The people seek revenge, but need a definite way to get an advantage.

People say that when there's a need, the inventions will come. Of course, this means that houses, security installments, vehicles, etc would all form. Our society would go back to normal.

The perception of a "perfect society" by most people is unrealistic. On top of the fact that it's a dream not even remotely founded in reality, in order to achieve it, we would have to manipulate the will to live and overcome--the will to power, essentially--in every being in order to maintain this equilibrium.

In other words, it's an unrealistic idea, and we shouldn't dwell on it because it will never be achieved; however, we could make a perfect society out of this one, acknowledging the need for paranoia, etc, but leaving them their place and not letting them effect the rest of your life.