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Who was janey Mac, as in the rhyme, Janey Mac, me face is black, I won't come out til Tuesday?

I was listening on the radio about Fanny Adams being a murder victim, a horrible murder in the 1850's....could be wrong about the date.

But just got me thinking about other names used in speech

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She was a bit of a wagon, this is what I found out about her....

An old Dublin rhyme: Janey mac, me shirt is black, what'll I do for Sunday? Get into bed and cover your head and don't get up till Monday.

Sound advice you have to say.

'Janey mac' is used as an expression of astonishment or surprise, such as:

"Janey mac, I wonder who cut the head off that African man and dumped his corpse in the canal."


"Janey mac, did I really hit that traveller with my car?"

You don't really hear people say 'Janey mac' any more. It's probably because proper swearing is much more acceptable now that in used to be. Now instead of 'Janey mac' we say 'FUCKIN' 'ELL' or 'JAYSUS!'

there was once a girl called Jane McCartney, People used to always tease her by saying 'Janey mac' to her a lot which wasn't as offensive as saying "Hey Harelip! Fancy a carrot?" to her but it did get quite annoying and one day she clobbered Anto Shields around the face with her brother's hurley, knocked most of his teeth out and left him a nice scar on his top lip.

"That'll teach you to call me Harelip!" she yelled as made him one of his own.

"But he called you Janey mac" piped up little David Kenny.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT I SAID" she howled and chased him around the streets for an hour trying to bash his head in. Most people gave up calling her Janey mac after that.

She left Dublin when she was around 17 to go work in London and then we heard she was a beggar working in Victoria Station. Jimmy the Bollix said he saw her when he spent his time living in there and shouted out 'Janey mac!' as a security guard was walking past her. She battered him to within an inch of his life before passers-by rescued him.

She died not long after when she found accomodation in a shelter and was being helped get her life back together. She was on the bottom bunk when an enormously girthsome woman collapsed the top one and crushed her to death.

Her final words? You guessed it.

"Fat ****."