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Is this good or terrible?

im bored so i wanna see if people like my poem stuff

the anger that controls the inner souls
and the logic that flawed is taken in wholes
misconceptions and lies that comprimise
decption that ties to all our lives
what can we belive from anyone today
and to obey the law they lay then pay
to bring us in a direction thought to be perfection
but is only a selection of new direction
one that is flawed through logic and sense
yet things are heading in great suspense
wondering if the end is near or the ozone we sear
is lies or fact brought by people they fear
every man has a demon waiting to rise
waiting for their own power not to comprimise

idk im bored haha

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is the first post of yours I went to since the last time I commented. Grammar, style, etc... a lot better..(but still needs editing)

I consider myself to be a great writer, but too prosaic. I couldn't write like you do...
I'm talk'n like Bob Dylan potential (maybe). Do you know what he did/has said? He said it just "came out".....and PHSssst... no more... If it's there now - you need to make your move now!

Hey, I've got some ideas. I sent you 3 emails to consider.