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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Please help find this childrens book i don't know the name or author though???


Please help find this childrens book i don't know the name or author though???

It was set in ancient egypt and the cat goddess was dying/died and this young girl/boy was sent on a search through egypt to find the next cat which they would aparently know was the one as soon as they saw her. I remember there being loads of cats she found but never anything special then when she had almost given up the moon was shining on this one little cat she hadn't seen before There was big pictures not so well drawn.

Please someone know what i'm talking about...

Additional Details

1 week ago
I don't know the year but i'd imagine round about 1994/1995

1 week ago
OMG The Queen Cat by Ann Turnbull! That's it! Thank you so so so so much!!!

You have made my day!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I don't know the year but i'd imagine round about 1994/1995