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The six men?

the crash boomed as the presumed doomed soon finaly had the answer completed through their mental energy depleted questioning to the best and contest
asking for reason their tasking was treason
the deep soul of a man whos toll was too close to the fold of the bend of all what is the end of what bought is no matter the worse decision for the six souls whos tolls have risen
the question developed into many and the plenty of those who truly knows this meaning told them to find out themselves through the beamim light of the clouded rainy night
but the heart in them has created a demon which they couldnt not be beated through morals and ethic but to the best to the intellect the couldnt collect the whole entirety and waited to the hail to kill them by their diety

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While I'm not sure what you are looking for, I have to say that your statements sound quite fitting for the Manhattan Project (that government project that split the atom and created nuclear weapons). However, I think there were more than 6 men working on it. Though there may have been 6 major, physicist that contributed to it.