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Some true or false in phase of Civil War and before?

1)many Americans, esp from the North and East, opposed America's entry into the Mexican War of 1846,which they believed was provoked by President Polk so that the US could take New Mexico and California.
True or False

Actually, I think it's true, but I am NOT SURE

2)The abolitionist John Brown raided the federal arsenal at the town of Harpers Ferry in an attempt to arm nearby slaves and then lead them in a widespread rebellion
True or False
Whether "lead them in a widespread rebellion""???

3)Proslavery resident from Mississippi crossed into Kansas territory in the 1850s to cast votes to ensure that Kansas would join the Union as a prosalvery state
I think it's true

4)The annexation of Taxes by US in 1845 moved the US one step closer to a war with Mexico,which had long held claims to the region
true or false

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1) T
2) T
3) F (false because it was the Missourians, aka ??Border Ruffians??, that crossed into "Bleeding Kansas")
4) T