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Modeling Software?

What Software or Programs Do Professionals Use To Air Brush And Edit Modeling Photo's? If You Know of any Free Software or Programs That Are Similar To These Please Supply The Name or a Link. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The most popular software for editing photos is Photoshop.

==== DETAIL ====

Photoshop can do just about anything any other software can do. There is a process that mimics "air brush" but that term is not used in Photoshop. PS is kind of complicated and difficult to get started. But once you do, it is very powerful. I would say that about 80% of the Photoshop users only know how to use about 20% of the software features.

The only "free" photo editing software (that I know of) is Gimp.

The only thing is that I found (a) installation is not simple (b) features are limited (c) software is unstable - crashes.

The last part (software crashing) is the worst part. I would edit for 5, 10, 15 minutes and then the software would crash (losing everything I've done). But that was about 2 or 3 years ago, so things could have changed.

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