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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I sing well. I wanna make my voice very sweet. how to maintain my voice.?


I sing well. I wanna make my voice very sweet. how to maintain my voice.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can't go wrong with hiring a vocal teacher (or coach) to help maintain your voice. There are certain food and beverage restrictions, for starters:

* no dairy (milk, yogurt, chocolate)
* no citrus (orange juice, oranges, lemons)
* no "ice cold" beverages (shocks vocal cords)
* no "hot" beverages (scalds vocal cords)
* avoid sodas/pop/cokes
* no alcohol
* avoid greasy, creamy and/or heavy food

These are for pre-singing, of course. I'm just as weak as the next person for some chocolate and a soda now and then. Room temperature water is the best for pre-singing - it lubricates and hydrates. There are tricks for stuffy noses and sore throats, but really singing should be avoided if possible if your voice is compromised.

Get plenty of rest - nothing is worse on a voice than no sleep! Breathe properly (from your diaphram/belly). Don't smoke, avoid places where they do smoke and limit alcohol intake.

As for making your voice sound sweet. I'm not quite sure what you're asking - a 'child-like' quality? I'm going to answer under this assumption.

It is sort of hard to explain, but it helps if you can remember what it was like to sing as a child. You want to keep your soft pallate raised, but let your tongue go a bit loose. Be sure to keep your enunciation sharp! Children also tend to sing from the throat as their breathing hasn't fully developed - keep this in mind, but don't push! Really it is more like letting the bottom go out of your voice and singing with an airy quality.

Again, hard for me to explain. When you've been singing as long as I have you tend to forget the mechanics of it and just fall into it. ;-) And teaching kids doesn't allow for some of the "vocal tricks" - with them it is all about technique. I hope I've made some sense and offered some assistance.