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A letter to you?

you are not here
to see her smile
to hear her voice
you dreamed of her so many times
and you are not here to enjoy
her imagination
her silliness
If only you could see
the adoration she bestows
the amazing things she does
I named her like you wanted me to
she is a dedication to you
the greatest gift I could give you
and you left before it came
I think of you often
when i look into her eyes
I see you in the reflection
Her inheritance from you
You will never see her grow
and become what i wasn't
I will tell her all the stories
the ones that you told me
if only you hadn't left
she could hear them from you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you did an awesome job, it does almost feel like a letter, but not for the reason others have given you because it almost feels like a poem, but for a couple of lines that "feel odd". It's like your having a one sided long good chat with someone far away, and its these odd lines that make them "feel" like its a conversation and not actually a poem. But anyway those odd lines are 10, 14 - if your going to refer as this daughter as an it, you must at least keep it constant throughout the whole poem, and in that case change the ending but i believe it would be better if you just changed this saying because the rest of the poem is referring directly to your daughter, and if the case was you were not actually writing about you daughter the the THINGS she does it still should be revised because your tone suggests that it is still Your daughter, a person not and it you were talking about, and 24 the last one. Specifically I think on the last one you could have said ' she could HAVE heard them from you..." It is almost like a "turning point poem" you know the ones one writes while having an Epiphany. It like you have just realized, accepted, and let go that this another person is not EVER coming back, and that you've realized it is not your fault and that it's their loss. I really hope you keep this and show it to your daughter one day, i think she would appreciate it greatly.