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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If you read the davinci code what did you think about it were you hesitant about


If you read the davinci code what did you think about it were you hesitant about reading it if yes or no why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I read it, and it didn't anger me, though I am Catholic. I am also an English and History major, and Brown's claim in his introduction that most of what he wrote was based on truth was clearly far-fetched. It was obviously a fictional work, that had a fun story line.

The problem I have is not with Dan Brown, but with people who read a fictional work such as "The DaVinci Code" and believe that's the way the Catholic church really works. To me, that's at the same level as believing all Mormons are polygamists, the world's economy is controlled by Jewish bankers in Switzerland, men never set foot on the moon, and a bunch of Hitler clones are running around in Brazil.

Unfortunately, Brown's claims for his work's veracity have fed into an already-extant suspicion of the Catholic church in particular and all religion in general.