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Writing a script? for a movie?

I am supposed to write a script for this writing course i am taking, and i have not studied at all, i know practically nothing and I didn't pay attention what so ever in high school, could someone please give me some pointers, i need to know some things,
first of all i need to know things like, all of the components, like the beginning middle end, that whole thing, then like other components like the inner struggles of the character, things like that. please help! any advice or knowledge is most appreciated.
thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the way i see it, its like writing a book, only theres like, just dialoge. im not much help. i tried wring a script for a movie once, not for a class or anything, i was jsut bored. well it was kinda good, but i never finnished it. it should be just like, people talking. i know i didnt help much, but good luck.