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built a house
invited a grouse
who brougt a louse

in bed they lie
where their limbs vie
and then unpry
thus spent oh my!

treat their stings
from louse bitings
where it clings
adds sufferings

then at night
they kill the mite
perform last rite
peacefully sleep tight

months roll by
til the ninth is nigh
they can't deny
a baby's cry

smiles gleam gold
they broke the mold
all, Behold!
a SPANISH penfold?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it a pretty interesting topic twist , on your part which really sets it apart from the "normal" rhyming poems. Its about a baby conception right? At least that's what it sounded like to me---anyway, it puts a kind of self amusing twist on the normal rhyming topics, it sounds to me almost like a kind of inside joke, almost like your actually laughing at---well, well at everyone. Like your laughing at the reader, yourself, the characters, the situation...EVERYTHING! But mostly this poem was enjoyable because of that underlying 'joke' that's what it "feels" like your doing. But i really ike it keep it up!