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Marching Band?

I have band camp in about two weeks and its going to be SO hot. What are some good ways to cool down? hard is it to play and march in formation at the same time?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there is a thing called "A CAMEL". Basically its a backpack that holds water. A straw comes over your shoulder and you can drink from it. You can get it an most Sporting Goods Stores. Don't think Wally World carries it.

i agree with everyone. LOTS OF LIQUIDS. Hopefully, your band director(s) will realize this. One thing, if you feel light headed, get out of formation and get some water. if they yell, REPORT THEM.. Your health is more important than a silly marching band formation. Once you know the tunes, marching and formations are easy,. You have to get from POint A to Point b in either X amount of steps or X amount of time. Sometimes it will get tough, but, it works out. and just remember CONCERT BAND SEASON is just around the corner