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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Yes... Another poem...I JUST WANNA HMMM?... please comment if ya like...RpG...?


Yes... Another poem...I JUST WANNA HMMM?... please comment if ya like...RpG...?


JUNE 28,2007
I want to make people laugh
I want to make people scream
And maybe sometimes just cause a big scene
I want to climb up a mountain
Or just into bed
I want to yell out I made it and lay
In my grave
I want make an impression
I want to shout out Woo-Hoo!!
I want to feel less depression
And just say I need you.
I want to feel the ocean breeze
And the wind in my hair
Achuu?? Achuuu?? and a sneezly weezly too.
I want to row to your heart
I want to swim down your mind
And maybe someday I know you??ll be ALL but mine.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This peom takes the challenges of an everyday teenager and makes them into something that is considdered on a grander scale. This is such a great peom in so many ways...................