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The Holocaust: Following the Nazi Orders or Fighting Back?

Here's a question for the masses. This is just a question which I do not know the answer to. Please don't jump to conclusions.

In the beginning of the Nazi regime and the Third Reich when Hitler established the Nurenberg Laws stripping the Jews of all their rights, property, etc., why didn't the Jews of Germany unite and fight back? Why did they go along with what Hitler and the rest of his party were demanding?

Furthermore, when the Jews were demanded to go to the work camps, extermination camps, concentration camps why didn't they fight back before the departure process began or during the process? Why would you give up all your possessions, your home, get separated from your children and family based on orders of someone else? Rumors had to have been floating around as to what was transpiring at these camps, and if not still stand up for yourself and your family and put up a fight. If you're going to die, wouldn't you rather go down fighting?

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1 week ago
John B...

How do you figure there weren't enough of them? If 6 million died throughout the entire holocaust you would have to think that at some time there was a large enough group to put up some kind of a fight. And even for arguments sake, if there weren't enough of them....that plan of not fighting really worked out to their advantage...(I apologize for the sarcasim but it just doesn't make sense to me). If you go down fighting at least you died with some pride and dignity in standing up for who you are and what you believe in..(again not trying to be disrespectful to those who died during that horrible and atrocious event).

1 week ago
Ok...point made about not being able to organize anything on a large scale because they were scattered throughout Europe. They were lied to and didn't know where they were being taken.."Point Taken." But at some time they had to know what was going on and even if they had limited weapons and were out numbered, why go to your death at the hands of someone else and at their orders rather than die fighting back?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
John B...

How do you figure there weren't enough of them? If 6 million died throughout the entire holocaust you would have to think that at some time there was a large enough group to put up some kind of a fight. And even for arguments sake, if there weren't enough of them....that plan of not fighting really worked out to their advantage...(I apologize for the sarcasim but it just doesn't make sense to me). If you go down fighting at least you died with some pride and dignity in standing up for who you are and what you believe in..(again not trying to be disrespectful to those who died during that horrible and atrocious event).