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Who to get through acting stuff?

Hi im brittany pendergast and i want to act so bad i have been working as hard as i can to find stuffon the internet and i have many questions...How to find Disneychannel to find Disneychannel audtions..and what to expet..this process is very hard to get through..but i know i can so if you have anything or any info plz wirte back i need all the help i can...thank you..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Brittany, because you are talking about disneychannel I have assumed you are in the USA - although you do not give an exact location. You do not mention your age either, so if you are under 18 (as I suspect), please get some parental guidance before approaching an agent.

In my opinion you would do far better to study the performing arts before approaching an agent. Most agents will not take on new clients (even children) without some training having been undertaken. They will need to see a resume of any work already undertaken. You will also need to provide some professional photographs.

I've provided links to three web pages ... the first link is to access some disneychannel agencies, and the second link is information about auditions. The third link is information on how to get started on an acting career.

Please remember too that what looks glamorous is not always the case. The acting profession is full of disappointments and pitfalls. Before recognition there are many, many, rejections and you have to be able to withstand the negative side of the business and grow a thick skin.

I'm sorry if this rains on your dreams, but it is better you go into this with your eyes wide open. Having said that, however, it is also a profession with an amazing amount of job satisfaction and creativity. Good luck Brittany.