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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you prefer the colour RED or YELLOW?


Do you prefer the colour RED or YELLOW?

Red is in the sunset.
Yellow in the sunrise.
But they both have the most beauitful thing connected with them.

The SUN.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: playing safe id say Orange, the mixture of both colors, of both sunrise & sunset.. completing the day.
but Red isnt just the color of sunset, it's the color of autumn & winter.. the maple leaves & Christmas.
Yellow is more about Sunrise. it's the shade of spring & summer. sunflowers & sunny beaches.
both color compliments each other well, they complete the cycle of days & seasons...
being an eccentric, i contend Nature in a friendly way.
i am summer on winter, i am autumn in spring....
Summer is here, id like to stand out as a "Red" in a "Yellow" backdrop