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Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?

Rubeus Hagrid
1) He is 1/2 giant, do you know how cool that would be?
2) Has like the best animals/creatures in the world! Fluffy was my favorite
3) He looks like he would be mean, but he is a HUGE softie!
4) I love how he always says "I shouldn' have said tha'." whenever he starts to regret what he said!

Who is your favorite?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really like Neville Longbottom. He's awkwardly adorable and has finally found something that he's passionate about (herbology, of course). He doesn't mind being himself, and has a good amount of friends. Although he isn't terribly proficient with magic, he is in Dumbledore's Army and remains loyal to it. He is a smart boy; you can tell by the way he talks. He's insightful and reminds me of Piggy from Lord of the Flies. I wonder if Rowling got her inspiration from Piggy? Curious...

Plus, I like plants too.