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If You could go back in time and change one thing in your life.........?

if you could go back in time and change one event in your life, either in the choice you made or how you handled it.... what would it be? Think long and hard it could change the entire course of your life. Me, what would I change? When I was a teen growning up, when my parents split I would have gone and lived with my dad instead of my mom. She wasn't mentally or physically capable to take care of a child AT THAT TIME. Then again my life's course has brought me to be who I am today and thats a really good and caring person. So who knows what or how things would be.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there are two things i would change if i could. the first one would be, before my dad died Nov,27, 2005 . i would tell him that he was a great father and i think that he brought me ,my brother and sister up the right way and that i am sorry that i was such a pain in the a** when i was growing up. i would tell him something that i always had a hard time saying because he never said that to me that i can remember.i wanted to say it alot of times but i couldn't get the words to come out and those words are i love you and thank you for being my dad. the other thing i would change is, stay in school.