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Do you know the Gwangju Massacre or the 5.18?

did you guys see any of the gwangju massacre on tv or anything? because i need to know if any other country knows about this rather than south korea.
2,000+ people died in a peaceful march

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Gwangju Democratization Movement

The Gwangju Democratization Movement (Korean: 광주 민주화운동) refers to the violent suppression of a popular uprising in the city of Gwangju, South Korea from May 18 to May 27, 1980. It is simply called 5.18 by South Koreans.

For the period of Chun Doo-hwan's reign, the incident was fabricated as a rebellion inspired by Communist sympathisers. But after civil rule was reinstated, the incident received recognition as an effort to restore democracy from military rule. The government made a formal apology for the incident, and a national cemetery was established for the victims.