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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think that Pascal's Wager is a big pile of dooky?


Do you think that Pascal's Wager is a big pile of dooky?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yeah...

Ixulflibrashim! That word, my friend, is a curse. Now, I could tell you what it does, but needless to say its horrible.

Now I can remove the curse for $5.

So, there are several options:
A) the curse is real and you pay up: small expense
B) the curse is real and you don't pay up: eternal suffering
C) the curse is not real and you pay up: small expense
D) the curse is not real and you don't pay: no expense

According to pascal, you should pay me because its the worse that can happen is way less appealing than the middle suggestion. In short he ignores the ridiculousness of the ability to curse at all.