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How can I learn to dance like Nepoleon Dynamite?

Like videos or books or step by step. I already know i can watch it over and over again

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I memorized it for a high school film festival and it came out great.

The way I studied the dance?

I took it step by step and I verbally wrote out each and every aspect. I used colorful words and creative adjectives to help myself remember. Take the time to do this, I think it will really help. Honestly, I wish I would have gone to an instructor with MY results, there were a lot of areas I needed improvement; a bit crunched for time.

Keep in mind, when Jon Herder (who is a Semi-Pro dancer) danced, it was cut and spliced. You WILL need to improve some fillers if you preform the dance live.

Got it? I hope that helps!