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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I need some suggestions for a novel im writing please!!!?


I need some suggestions for a novel im writing please!!!?

im 14 years old and im working on a book but i've never had a boyfriend (pathetic i know lol) so i dont know how i should describe the emotions my main character feels when her boyfriend leaves her for her own safety. they both still love one another but the girl will be killed most likey if they stay together (its a fantasy so the bad guys have powers lol) i cant explain the whole story now 'cause its like 400 pages so far so those of you who know how the boy and the girl should feel can ya help me? they can basically glance from a distance but they cant talk to one another or spend time together. and like i said they still love one another with all their hearts. please help me! thank you soooooo much for any time you guys can contribute.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well, think in how would you feel f you had a boyfriend, how he will be, in conclusion, your perfect boyfriend and how would you feel if you loose him in the same situations as in the book

Hope it help and good luck