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Is there a way i can get my work copyrighted for free?

is there such a thing as free copyright? it is legit and does it really work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, original work is considered copyrighted the moment that it is produced. The problem is *proving* it. Registering copyrighted work prevents others from claiming the copyright.

Copyright notice must be provided if you do not want people freely copying your work. Generally, you have to put the word "Copyright", the copyright symbol, the year, and the name of the copyright holder on work that you want protected by copyright.

I have researched this to copyright my web pages ( You can find more details about your (free) copyrights on the web. My take on the system is that it can be difficult to prove that you are the copyright owner if the copyright has not been registered. People can register your copyright or copy your work and claim that it is public domain. It is very important to include the copyright notice on *all* work that you want to claim copyright for, even gifts to relatives, etc.

If anyone ever *does* copy your work illegally, you will probably have to register the copyright before you are able to take legal action. You will have to prove that you are the copyright owner (in your case, the author) and that all legal copies of your work were properly labeled with copyright notice.