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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think technology could ever outpace human desire?


Do you think technology could ever outpace human desire?

The concept of the technological singularity is sort of based on this. The thought is there will be a point where technological progress is so rapid that we humans cannot keep up and something else steers the progress of Earth. Do you think that that is possible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a fun question. One of my computer science professors in college was one of the originators of this idea and wrote a couple of science fiction novels based on it. I think it's theoretically possible that we could come to a point that artificially intelligent systems could ponder the meaning of life, but pure inspiration is out of the question. I think a catastrophic vision such as in Battlestar Gallactica or Terminator is realistic if this were the case, but I hope we're a little smarter than to let that happen. The best case scenario, that is realistic, is that we have a symbiotic, intrinsically meaningful, and therefore human relationship with machines that are as prolific as we ourselves are. Machines may even demand equality and denounce discrimination against themselves eventually. It all sounds a bit out-there, though. Machines have always been about service to us, so I doubt that humans will allow them to grow so prolific that they become something that adds to our nature...that would go against our human egos that just want to be served, not equated to...