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Cat's Cradle?

I hear it is a good book...what is it about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, the final paragraph refers to an intention of writing 'a history of human stupidity', with the implication that Cat's Cradle perhaps is such a history. That's a broad topic to take on in any novel, especially a short one.

The story starts with the narrator researching a biography of a famous scientist. His research involves him with the scientist's family, including the son who now lives on a Caribbean island modeled on Haiti. On this island, the main religion, officially outlawed but widely practiced, is Bokononism, and the is much description of the religion and quotations from its scripture.

The novel follows its researcher and his activities through a series of twists that end in cataclysmic disaster. But it's a comedy, not a thriller or adventure, and it's as funny an apocalypse as you're ever likely to read about.