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??The Decline of the Roman Republic" HELP!!! PLEEEZZ?

in ??The Decline of the Roman Republic" what does the historian Sallust attributes Rome??s decline?
how realistic was he in this assessment ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Gaius Sallustius Crispus, [ie: 'Sallust'], (ca.86-34 BCE)
was a respected historian, [Tacitus regarded him as one], although he led a very questionable early life. It seems that he became very conservative in regards to the loss of morals in Roman society as he became older. He was a strong adherent of Julius Caesar, and was active in the political system of that era.
His articles; "Jugurthine War", and "Cataline Conspiracy" "used history as a vehicle for his judgement on the slow decline of Roman morality and politics".