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What is a funny skit for 8 kids?

I need a funny, clever skit. That isn't too long. And is Kid-friendly

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: here is a simple FUN skit that can be done in either 2 groups or double up on the characters. The script is simple so you can tweek it to accommodate 8. Made for 5.

scene- imaginary props will work. no costumes necessary. just characters standing on a stage of some sort.


Questioner: Whatcha makin?

2 stirrers: beans!

Questioner: what kind of beans?

2 stirrers: Beans, Beans.

1 Stirrer: Would you like to try some?

(spoon feeds some imaginary beans to questioner)

Questioner: Mmm... (grabs stomach and falls down dead in a fainting type fashion)

2 stirrers: Doctor Doctor!

("Doctor" rushes in making siren sounds)

Doctor: Whats wrong?!

2 Stirrers: BEANS!

Doc lifts up patient's arm and as it flops down the Doctor yells
:She's dead!

2 Stirrers: (Wail to one another)

Suddenly a random viewer of the skit who is actually part of it interrupts

Director: Stop Stop Stop. That was horrible...yada yada... This time, lets try it, a little happier you know. Ok lets go again.

The skit is done again but this time all the actors are all smiley over the top happy. ((The questioner could playfully die and say something like its a beautiful day to die of beans) Upon completion director will interrupt again and subtly suggest another way to act it

opera- really funny
rap- gangster

The purpose of this simple skit is to focus on the different ways it is delivered. Easy lines to remember and improv if wanted. Plus, kids will get a kick out of acting silly. Props can be imaginary and the stage can be a classroom.

Simple simple. enjoy!