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If cloning became common...?

would the clone take on all aspects of the persons personality, intellect, mannerisms, thoughts and processes?
What or who would you fear most with this cloning power?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The closest comparison to clones we have are identical twins. Having the same genes and growing up in the same environment identical twins develop into distinctly different people. Human development is much more involved than simple genetic code or environmental conformity. The human child creates a unique and strikingly varied personality and world view even in the most similar circumstances.

What I would fear most is unintentional genetic mutation that would create very troubling ethical situations. To create a batch of kids and discover they have something terribly wrong with them would be horrid. Do you sterilize them, kill them or let them have the same rights as anyone else to live and procreate as they decide? What a nightmare!

Who I would fear is governments or institutions who would clone humans as slaves or second class citizens. If women stopped having babies and no child would ever be conceived naturally again I would consider cloning. short of that it is just to seductive to unethical people to abuse.