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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anybody know any good monologues that are not overuseD?


Does anybody know any good monologues that are not overuseD?

It's for school I have to do them as a final exam grade and I need help, please help me find some.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Look Here for Monologues:

Some overdone monologues are:
"You Shouldn't Need Someone That Much" from Howard Korder's This Boy's Life
The Peter Pan monologue by Christopher Durang
And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little - the squashed puppy speech
Brighton Beach - Eugene's monologue
Butterflies are Free - Jill Tanner's speech
Chapter Two - Jenny's "I'm worth it.." speech
Fantasticks - Luisa's speech into song "Much More"
Durang - Tuna fish monologues
Tea and Sympathy - Tom
Whiskey - "Tiny had been tackled by guys..."
Woolgatherer - death of the whooping cranes
Zoo Story - "Jerry and the dog"
Romantic Comedy - marshmallow through the nose
Say Goodnight, Gracie - chunky turkey soup
SPLIT - Stevie Wonder speech
STAR SPANGLED GIRL - Sophie's "Mr. Cornell" speech
HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES - All Bunny and Banana speeches; Ronnie's tap dance speech
I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER - Gene's final monologue
IT'S CALLED THE SUGAR PLUM - Infamous "Strudel Doe-Strudel Dough"
KENNEDY'S CHILDREN - the sex goddess speech
KNOCK, KNOCK - St. Joan walking on water speech
LAKEBOAT - jock who wanted to dance
LAST OF THE RED HOT LOVERS - "humping Charlotte Korman"
LONE STAR - the Grand Canyon speech
LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS - trying to get out of the wedding
MATCHMAKER - Cornelius' monologue
MASS APPEAL - dead goldfish speech
NOURISH THE BEAST - orphan speech
Glass Menagerie -Tom or Jim monologues, or Amanda's jonquil speech
Girl's Guide to Chaos - dating speech
Wall of Water - last cigarette monologue
Taking With - 15 Minutes
Lone Star - Roy's Edith Ellen monologue
Romantic Comedy - Marshmallow monologue
Quilters - Sunbonnet Sue
Shadow Box - Beverly
King Lear - Edmond
Love Minus - If Actors go to Hell monologue