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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Young men want to be faithful and can not; Old men want to be faithless and can


Young men want to be faithful and can not; Old men want to be faithless and can not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When they're young & attractive they are surrounded by opportunities & temptations. They are not quite ready to settle down. They may fall madly in love & think they're ready but then feel trapped & want to "play the field" or "sow their wild oats." I don't think it's wise to marry too early for this reason. When men are older & perhaps not as attractive, they would not have as much opportunity to cheat. They may be unhappy in their relationship & wish they could have something on the side but it would be more difficult to find a new partner at that age.

Or perhaps that wasn't what was meant by faithful...maybe you just meant believing in something. Young people don't know what to believe. They need to believe in something. Older people know what they believe. Maybe they know too much & wish they could go back to the innocence of their youth when anything seemed possible...